Monazite reference materials and their U-Pb ages

This table summaries monazite reference materials commonly used in geochronology, listed in order of their age. Some of these materials have been reported to contain modest but significant levels of Pb-loss. Prior to considering the use of any of these materials for quality control purposes, it is strongly recommended that analysts carefully review the cited publications as well as other reports that may exist in the scientific literature. Compilations of zircon, titanite/sphene, apatite and rutile reference materials are also available.

Name Age (Ma) Reference Initial amount Available grain size* U conc (µg/g) Th conc (µg/g)
DD90 2671 1d n/r   n/r n/r
HSA47 1842 2d n/r   4700 n/r
TS-Mnz 911 3d 11.8   1200-2000
RW-1 904 4d 44 g 300 µm ca. 3000 ca. 135,000
Manangoutry 553 2d n/r   894 n/r
Moacyr 511.2 5d n/r   878-1070 70,000
Diamantina 495.26 6d 2 crystals chips 53-400 ca. 3600
K00-63 446 7d, 8d 22 grains   ca. 7000 ca. 40,000
44069 424.9 9d <outcr> depleted 1684-4099 24,000-42,000
Trebilcock 280 10d multiple crystals depleted ca. 6300 ca. 2000
Amelia 274.29 8d, 11d 1 crystal   ca. 4000 120,000
RP1 64.4 2d n/r   2139 n/r
FC1 55.7 2d n/r   11,800 n/r
554 ca. 50 11d, 12d n/r   130 38,000
n/r = not reported
*only reported where the material is described as intended for distribution
<outcr> = multi-grain material from outcrop


1d. Godet et al (2020). Precambrian Research, 342, 105657
2d. Horstwood et al. (2003). Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 18 (8), 837-846
3d. Budzyń et al. (2021) Chemical Geology, 572, 120195
4d. Ling et al. (2017). Mineralogy and Petrology, 111, 163-172
5d. Gasquet et al. (2010). Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 181 (3), 227-241
6d. Gonçalves et al. (2018). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 42 (1), 25-47
7d. Corrie and Kohn (2007). Geology, 35 (7), 627-630
8d. Kohn and Vervoort (2008). Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 9/4
9d. Aleinikoff et al. (2006). Geological Society of America Bulletin, 118, 39-64
10d. Tomascak at al. (1996). Journal of Geology, 104, 185-195
11d. Peterman et al. (2012). Chemical Geology, 312-313, 58–73
12d. Harrison et al. (1999). Journal of Petrology, 40, 3-19