IAG Early Career Researcher Award 2025

Our Early Career Researcher Award is made annually to a scientist in the early years of their profession for research that closely reflects the goals of our Association. The award aims to promote the careers of researchers who have either developed innovative analytical methods or provided new strategies to improve data quality as applied to the chemical analysis of geological or environmental materials.

The award consists of an 18-month membership of the IAG and a cash prize of $1000 US.  The awardee will be expected to present his/her work at the 2025 Goldschmidt conference Prague, Czech Republic (6-11 July 2025) where the award ceremony takes place. The registration fee for this conference will be paid as part of this award.

Eligibility is limited to scientists who are currently pursuing a higher degree in a field related to geoanalysis or who have completed their university education within the past three years. The award is based upon first-authored peer-reviewed papers published in an international journal. The candidate must be nominated by a senior scientist from the geosciences community.

Further details and a nomination form can be downloaded here. Nominations must be received by 31 October 2024.


Developing Country Early Career Researcher Award 2025

The IAG is launching a NEW Early Career Scientist Award specifically focused on supporting scientists from developing countries. This award seeks to:

  1. Provide opportunities for scientists from under-represented nations to establish, develop and build relationships in the greater scientific community
  2. Enable them to gain access to state-of-the-art laboratory facilities and provide them with a better understanding of analytical instrumentation and geochemical applications.
  3. Promote the IAG’s mission and support geochemical and environmental analysis in developing countries.

The Award will provide mobility funding to enable the awardee to participate in such activities as: collaborative science, training, work shadowing or attendance at workshops and seminars at a regional or international level. In doing so, the applicant will have the opportunity to learn about new methodologies and techniques relevant to geochemical and environmental analysis.

Candidates must meet the following criteria:

  • Currently studying for a Master or Doctorate degree, or be within 5 years of receiving such a degree; and
  • Author of at least one scientific product, presentation or peer-reviewed published paper, having conducted most of the research for it.

The Developing Country Early Career Scientists Award consists of an award of up to 6,000 USD based on the proposed mobility activity, with additional travel support of up to 3,000 USD, plus an 18-month membership of the IAG.

Applicants’ research interests should be in line with the IAG’s aims and objectives (see Home page). The application will include: a summary of the proposed work programme; the purpose and objectives of the proposed mobility activities; publications, reports or products from work relevant to the application; a letter of recommendation from an established researcher in the field of geosciences; and a letter of invitation from the host institution (where relevant).  

An application form can be downloaded here. The closing date for applications is 31 October 2024.

Winners of the IAG Early Career Researcher 2024 Award

We are proud to announce that the winners of the 2024 Award are Birk Härtel (University of Calgary, Canada) and Shiqiang Huang (Colorado School of Mines, USA). They will be presenting their research at the 2024 Goldschmidt conference 18-23 August to be held in Chicago, USA. During the conference they will also be receiving their IAG awards.

Shiqiang Huang manages the LA-ICP-MS/MS lab at Colorado School of Mines (CSM), USA, specialising in LA-ICP-MS (single and triple quadrupole) techniques and their applications in economic geology. During his PhD (2019-2022) at CSM, Shiqiang focused on in situ Rb-Sr dating of micas1 and the influence of organic matter on the Re-Os dating of pyrite2. After completing his PhD, he has been engaged in the U-Pb dating of zircon, garnet, and cassiterite, plus trace element analysis and mapping of various minerals and glasses. In addition, he has started to improve the U-Pb dating method for wolframite and scheelite. He is also working on the magma fertility indicators of the Las Bambas deposit, Peru, which involves extensive LA-ICP-MS analysis. In his spare time, Shiqiang enjoys outdoor sports including hiking, camping, skiing, mountain biking and rock climbing.

1Huang, S., Chang, Z., Liu, K., and Garbe‐Schönberg, D., 2023, Optimisation of LA‐ICP‐MS/MS Rb‐Sr dating of micas with non‐matrix‐matched reference materials: Geostandards Geoanalytical Research, v. 47, p. 725-747.

2Huang, S., Song, Y., Zhou, L., Leach, D. L., Chang, Z., and Hou, Z., 2022, Influence of organic matter on Re-Os dating of sulfides: insights from the giant Jinding sediment-hosted Zn-Pb deposit, China: Economic Geology, v. 117, p. 737-745.

Birk Härtel is a postdoctoral researcher at the Department of Earth, Energy and Environment at the University of Calgary (Canada). His research focuses on method development and data analysis in low-temperature thermochronology. He received his PhD degree at Freiberg University of Mining and Technology (Germany), where he worked on the development of α-radiation-damage-based dating of zircon.

He established a new calibration for radiation-damage measurements on zircon with Raman microprobe that takes into account the damage sensitivity of different Raman bands1. He also studied the kinetics of radiation-damage annealing and defined closure temperatures for the lattice repair recorded by different parts of the Raman spectrum2. In addition, Birk developed new protocols for age calculation and data evaluation for zircon-Raman and other thermochronometers,  and suggested a new reference material for (U-Th)/He analysis3,4,5,6. His work on zircon-Raman dating has sparked further interest on studying the thermal history of rocks in the middle and upper crust using radiation damage, whereas his contributions to data analysis have provided new perspectives on thermochronological ages in general. Currently, Birk is developing a triple-dating approach to combine zircon-Raman dating with in-situ (U-Th)/He and U-Pb dating by LA-ICP-MS. When Birk is not working, you can probably find him with his nose in a book.

1Härtel, B., Jonckheere, R., Wauschkuhn, B., Hofmann, M., Frölich, S., and Ratschbacher, L., 2021a. Zircon Raman dating: Age equation and calibration. Chem. Geol. 579, 120351, doi: 10.1016/j.chemgeo.2021.120351.

2Härtel, B., Jonckheere, R., Wauschkuhn, B., and Ratschbacher, L., 2021b. The closure temperature(s) of zircon Raman dating. Geochronology 3, 259-272, doi: 10.5194/gchron-3-259-2021.

3Härtel, B., Jonckheere, R., and Ratschbacher, L., 2022a. Multi-band Raman analysis of radiation damage in zircon for thermochronology: Partial annealing and mixed signals. Geochem. Geophys. Geosys. 23, e2021GC010182, doi: 10.1029/2021GC010182.

4Härtel, B., Jonckheere, R., Krause, J., and Ratschbacher, L., 2022b. Spurious age-eU associations in thermochronology. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 117870, doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2022.117870.

5Härtel, B., 2023. Incaplot (Isochron calculation and plotting) (1.36). Zenodo, doi: 10.5281/zenodo.8233942

6Härtel, B., Matthews, W.A., and Enkelmann, E., 2023. Duluth Complex FC1 apatite and zircon: reference materials for (U-Th)/He dating? Geostand. Geoanal. Res., 12492, doi: 10.1111/ggr.12492.

Previous winners of the IAG Young Scientist Award 2017 2023

2023 – Jing-Yao Xu and Ming Yang
2022 – Ery Hughes and Lei Wu
2021 – Alicja Wudarska and Tao Luo
2020 – Jie Lin and Michael Weber
2019 – Martijn Klaver
2018 – Alicia Cruz-Uribe
2017 – Dorothea Macholdt and Peter Onuk

Winners of the IAG Early Career Researcher Award  2006 – 2014

2014 – Corey Wall

2013 – Satoki Okabayashi

2012 – Marcela Camargo

2011 – Leah Morgan

2010 – Regina Mertz-Kraus

2009 – Adrien Maestrot

2008 – Alon Amrani

2007 – Jérôme Chmeleff

2006 – Malka Machlus